Let’s get you out of that box.

Getting on the same page

    1. the act or process of freeing someone or something from another’s control

    2. the removal of traditional social . . . rules, attitudes, etc.

    *The Britannica Dictionary

  • 2. a widely held but false belief or idea

    a misrepresentation of the truth

    an exaggerated or idealized conception of a person or thing.

    * Oxford Languages

    1. something that bounds, restrains or confines

    2. something that is exasperating or intolerable


    1. a systemic method with which to organize what appears to be disjointed random facets of existence such that they provide insight into the problem at hand. * Wikipedia

    2. perception by intuition; instinctive foresight.



Liberation Coaching

When you want to make real change in your life and need some loving, truthful guidance in doing so, you call me. Using a combination of observation, wits and intuition (divination), I work with you to unpack the narratives, beliefs and challenges (myths and limits) you personally face in your quest for clarity and direction in living a freer and more fulfilling existence (liberation). I work with people struggling with discreet challenges in their personal journey as they navigate their lives at home, work and play.

As your liberation is wrapped up in mine and vise versa (thank you, Lilla Watson), and I know abundance and the law of attraction to be true, I must walk my talk. As such for PERSONAL INDIVIDAUL COACHING I do not have a set rate for my counsel, understanding that the current distribution of wealth would have some stretched too thin, while others underpay, no matter what my rate. So, I say, “Ask and you shall receive.” My ask is that my counsel is reciprocated financially or in-kind according to the value you receive in your life and your ability to do so.

For Organizational counsel I charge 3x the hourly rate of your highest paid employee per session.

It’s time to choose YOU.

Humans have the unfortunate habit of limiting themselves. I’m here to help you undo that.

If you are ready to choose yourself, to receive truth, to feel the love, to make the changes in order to welcome the joy into your life, I’m your girl.

Let’s together find liberation.

Listen To The Mustn'ts

Listen to Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.