My Story…


“Every person has a story that, if told, would bring you to your knees.”

- Queta Gonzalez, Center for Diversity in the Environment


Skinned Knees.


I definitely have a couple of those stories, too. Thank God for them, I have learned and grown so much from them.

Those stories are not MY story, they are not ME. I AM the focus of my story, everything else is a learning opportunity on the path to ultimate joy. I seek to truly and completely realize the answer to the question: Who am I?




I’m pretty sure I was born loving people. Human beings are absolutely amazing. The creativity. The silliness! The capacity for love, love, love. Wow. People are unbelievably beautiful in their pure love and joy.

I took my own journey of self love, and am the prodigal son like everyone else. Personally, I am so blessed I have no reason to doubt the truth of loving abundance. My mother often says that I live a “charmed” life, and I have so much to show for it.


Liberated Me|We.


I am here to share my divine qualities and blissful energy with you so that you can follow your bliss and do the same for others. Thank you in advance!

This is how we save ourselves. How we free ourselves.

I’m betting on it.

I’m betting on Me.

I’m betting on You.

I’m betting on Us, a liberated WE.

Who is Kim Powe?

I am the ocean as individuated wave. I am the universe in a drop. I am a character made out of Jake’s magical energetic self. I am love incarnate. I am the Divine in human form. Annoying, right? I KNOW! But it’s true.

(Spoiler alert: so are you.)

I love learning about the world and its inhabitants. This go around I am focusing on the GOOD. The LOVE. The JOY. And I’m trying to spread the good, the love and the joy as far and wide as I can.

Your joy is my joy.

So please, join me, and do your thing. If you are having a hard time finding the keys to unlock your kingdom, let’s see if I can be of assistance, I’m pretty good at helping to find where to look and ways to untangle the knots we get ourselves into.

In love, Kim

Image: With a soft smile on her face, Kim stands on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in California, aqua waves crashing softly in the background; small lava boulders dot the shimmering sand behind her. Her hair is short, with a bit of dark curl on the right side of her face, touching her red accented glasses, and another small whisp across her forhead. She is wearing silver hoop earings and white speckled black mock turtleneck - giving it a textured and “painted” look. She loves the ocean.

I know who I am.

I know who you are, too.

We are divine and we forgot.

(To be fair, we had a LOT of help)